
Thinking about selling on Garden Fetch? Try Garden Fetch out for free for your first month! You can use the platform to sell your items while paying no seller fees for 1 month after signing up! That's right, you keep 100% of your profits for the first month. After that, we recieve an 8% fee from each transaction and there's never a monthly fee to use this site.

How it Works

To buy things from Garden Fetch, you don't need to be a member, but if you want to keep wishlists and have the opportunity to win free stuff you'll have to sign up!

To Sell on Garden Fetch, you'll have to create an account. Once you do that, you'll be prompted to set up your banking info so you can get paid from your sales. To list an item for sale, click on the 'Sell an item' button in the header. This will take you to a page that allows you to fill in the product info and upload it's photos. Once you save your changes, it will be reviewed by a moderator and go live for sale immediately after that as long as the listing follows the terms of service. When your listing sells, you'll get an email notification so that you can prepare the items for shipping and send them off to the customer. You can also view all your sales by clicking the 'sales' tab in the site menu. Your pay for the sale will be visible in your Stripe account and will be paid out to your bank account weekly.